Saturday, June 30, 2018

食記 pizza,Tino 美食,我的休息

昨天 帶京大博士去寧夏夜市吃飯 一篇論文的相處 漸漸的 我開始藏不住馬腳 我跟他說 我們從台北最有錢的大安區 來到第11名的大同惹
他說你已經有兩篇PAPER 以後計畫呢? 我說 當一年兵 申請學校 如果有上再說 沒上就離開學校 我還要把握剩下四個月來讀英文 前面的高手都不用當兵 但下次你再來台大訪問 一定已經看不到我們了 因為日本不用當兵
他問 你們國家要一年兵 這不是會擋你的路嗎? 這政策有啥好處呢 我說我不知道 可我年輕時候 為了這些東西大學早半年畢業 以前常常抱怨 說我們因為台灣而輸 可現在不會這樣覺得了呢
他問:為什麼呢 ?
說不上來 超出我英文能表達的程度 就算中文也說不上來 只感覺 這條路只我一人在走 我真的累了 我的人生沒有規劃 或許心裡另一面是希望可以輸 是我年輕時候太執著吧 可以找個藉口認輸吧?
寧夏夜市 還是好吃的 我們吃了五六樣
他最後說:不過 你很聰明 不會被這地方綁住的~~
他看錯人吧 呵呵 但還是謝謝他 靠他才有這PAPER

堤諾義式比薩Tino's Pizza Café


今天來介紹一家 tino pizza 美食,地點在111台北市士林區中正路209號




我們叫了 羅勒燻雞貝殼烤麵 $260 




朋友:你為何 不把 當替代役當作是"你的休息",

我: 你為何污辱我的休息


我: 為何"你的休息"就是在家休息,我的休息就是服役一年。

這樣就跟 你講我的吉娃娃 小狗 跟 路邊流浪狗 一樣,是在污辱"我的狗"




wooo 新學校第一學期 結束了 成績出來了 真好 碩士剩下九學分 只要再一學期湊滿畢業學分條件 就可以漸漸斷了根 這我最愛的招式嘛
台大和交大 你們的成績要保護你們主人ㄟ 不要讓偶面對殘酷社會 你們要好好長大 才不枉我好好養大細心照顧你們 然後保護我 你們是台灣教育的大咖不是? 我國中沒看錯你們吧





4 個月可以分成兩個暑假當夏令營,不長不短,如果5,6月太長,而且假如你沒申請考上研究所6月畢業,去當兵(或拖幾個月),再趕上11,12月碩士申請,然後一月提前入學,表現上,你慢了人家一個學期,可實際上 一學期18周,就是四個月,你可無縫接軌,根本沒有慢,而一般生九月入學生 不可能,6月畢業先去當兵,會趕不上,你看這個"4"個月研究所,可進可守。

當夏令營,太長太短都不好,剛好4個月才有這麼多功能,誰想的,高手~~ 政府真是替83以後男生著想呢

你看 這個"4" 太玄了跟體制結合得很好呢。

Friday, June 29, 2018

兩個苦人 馬辣鍋

今天和我的一個老友  宣X 吃飯,他最近剛 從"四大"(女生)皆空的114碩士畢業,懷想起宣X大學時間,不是個非常奮鬥的人,但如今也承受過了新竹惡苦,值得我為他慶祝一下。

來到公館站的馬辣鍋,很貴,一人加服務費699,兩小時,吃到飽,晚上時間, 需要等位子一下。
兩種口味的鍋物:我們選的是 麻辣+酸菜


 順便要來體會一下: 鬼島新政策,珍珠奶茶,用湯匙喝,不得不多,這真困難,但馬辣可是提供許多飲料跟 哈根大使 等甜品呢

節錄一段 我和他 機車對話如下

我: 你 趴妹的經驗 是我的 2倍 靜默幾秒鐘 

突然 我又說了: 理論上 你是我無限倍 我是0 你是1 就是 1/0 無限大。

宣X: 靠北 我也是0啦

我: wow 不定型!!!!

宣x: 落必達~~

然後......繼續吃辣 兩個苦人


Simple example: Quantum error correction and Holography

One big puzzle for 21 century physics is Ads/CFT. It says that one quantum gravity in AdS (d+1 dimension ) is the same as quantum field theory (conformal field theory in d dimension )without Gravity.

Since I already publish two papers on it. There are thousands of papers discussing these topics already. But there are still many puzzles regarding this duality.
One of the puzzles comes from the radial commutativity. After I watched videos and look at papers written by Daniel Harlow which is an expert in this topics in MIT.
I think it is very interesting to discuss this duality by the toy model introduced by him.

Error Correction is a technique for people to protect the information via propagating.
For classical: if I want to send you one bit 1 or 0:
But in some channels? there are some chances the bit will be affected.
like 0 be 1 and 1 be 0?
How can we prevent this situation? we can use repetition code:
we repeat the single bit. i,e it means we send 000 (or 111) instead of sending only one bit 0 (or 1).
If you get our messages 101 then you know I want to send you 1!!!.
$$ 0 \to 000 , 1 \to 111 $$ this is called repetition code. It can be shown that by using this method, we can decrease the chance of information being affected.

But in quantum mechanics, we have some troubles

No cloning theorem:
There is no unitary operator (Linear) which can copy any quantum state (unknown):

i.e there is no linear and unitary operator $$U$$ such that $$ U |v>=|v>\mathop{\otimes} |v> $$
 for any  \( |v> \) in Hilbert space.
Suppose this is possible: then Given |v> and |u>, we know  
$$<v|u>= <v| U^{\dagger}.U |u> =<v| \mathop{\otimes} <v| . |u> \mathop{\otimes}|u>=<v|u>^2$$ 
which leads to 
$$ <v|u>=0 \quad or \quad 1$$ this is means   |v> and |u> can not be arbitrary. Contradiction!!! 

Now we can imitate the quantum error correction code by encode 1 logical qubit into 3 physical qubit
Or define a linear map from 
\( \mathbb{C}^2 \to \mathbb{C}^8   \).
$$ a|0>+b|1>  \to  a|000>+b|111> $$
If the error correction happened. Define three error maps that may happened.

\( \epsilon_1:  a|000>+b|111> \to  a|100>+b|011>  \)
\( \epsilon_2:  a|000>+b|111> \to  a|010>+b|101>  \)
\( \epsilon_3:  a|000>+b|111> \to  a|001>+b|110>  \).
So now we have a good way solving this problem.
Suppose we have a state $$u = a|000>+b|111> $$. After it propagate, it may become  \( \epsilon_{i}u, i=1, 2, 3 \).
We build corresponding three operators : $$ Z_1 Z_2,  Z_1 Z_3,  Z_2 Z_3$$ which is pauli Z matrix act on each sites on  \( \epsilon_{i}u, i=1, 2, 3 \).

BUT NOW, we have $$ Z|0>=|0>, Z|1>=-|1>$$
So we have for example 
$$ Z_1Z_2 u = u $$
$$ Z_2Z_3 u = u $$
$$ Z_1Z_3 u = u $$

$$ Z_1Z_2   \epsilon_{1}u =  Z_1Z_2  (a|100>+b|011>)=-a|100>-b|011>=-u $$(since 1 and 2 site are different, one is zero, one is 1)
$$ Z_2Z_3  \epsilon_{1}u = Z_2Z_3  (a|100>+b|011>)=u $$ (since 2 and 3 site are all 0 or all 1)
$$ Z_1Z_3  \epsilon_{1}u = Z_1Z_3  (a|100>+b|011>)=-u $$ (since 1 and 3 site are different)

If we follow this logic to compute  \( \epsilon_{i}u, i= 2, 3 \). We can build a table.
SO now, if the error happened, we can know it by act this three operators, we can now which side of qubit flip.
If we know which side is flipped, we can just flip that qubit again by act pauli X matrix at that sides.
By Doing this, we can solve the questions. 

Now, what is the relationship between Ads/CFT to quantum error correction. It says that one quantum gravity in AdS (d+1 dimension ) is the same as quantum field theory (conformal field theory in d dimension )without Gravity.

Suppose we have an error which can eliminate quantum state.
how, so for example, if we have a|010>+b|111> which I want to send to my friend, if the error occurs,

we might have three possibilities.
How can we recover this state?
Can we produce a code, if one of qubits is loss, we can still recover the original quantum state.
This is three qutrix code from Daniel Harlow.
We have a logical qubit which has three energy levels called |0>, |1>, |2>.
Suppose we want to send $$|\phi> =a_0|0|>+a_1|1>+a_2|2>$$.
We now encode this logical qubit to three physical qubits.

which \( |\tilde{i}>\) is following 
The key step is we can find three unitary operators from 
$$U:  \mathbb{C}^{27}  \to  \mathbb{C}^{27} $$ such that :

\(U_{12} \) only acts on 1 and 2 qubits, \(U_{23} \) only acts on 23 qubits, \(U_{31} \) only acts on 13 qubits, 

What does this mean?
This means that if we loss the third qubit. We can use a small Quantum Computer \( U_{12}\) acting on the state product the highly entangle state \( X \)
So now, we get the situation improved. We can recover the state even with we loss one qubit.

What is this connection to Holography:
In lectures, we can view the logical qubit is in the bulk and the physical qubits are on the boundary.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018



剛剛無歹事情看了2017新聞 台灣男生平均壽命76.8 所以我們 當男生  大學碩服役玩就 1/3回首1/3 不知道能說什麼 眾生苦是真的

我發現 有錢人都想當男生 覺得男生卡好。

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


我活了25年 人生恐怕已經1/3 或更多了

3首詩 了表我多年心得 和 體悟 那些無量無邊廢文
感謝 改編自 娑婆苦漁家傲十六首 轉接辭是改編來的 分別針對
讀書 鬼島 服役 各寫一首
我一生追逐 到此也算告個段落


聽說讀書無量苦 牽思萬算勞腸肚
地水火風爭勝負 何勞固 到頭盡化微塵去

聽說鬼島無量苦 掙錢難比二代富
%妹不如 8 + 9 誰憐汝 二十二k天天度

聽說服役無量苦 台男沒有台女好
替中一跪了前非 除非悟 認輸自在問前路




Monday, June 25, 2018


滿累的,之後持續走,會出現叉路,有三條古圳,坪頂古圳步道 和坪頂新圳,我們先走了新圳,


咱們主角來了,朋友,看到 一隻獨角仙在附近水上漂,覺得他很苦,將他救起,省的他一生漂浪,但又看到他腳受傷,四周沒地方給他停下來,便帶著他持續旅行,過程,他會巴著你衣服,直到找到可以放下它的地方,讓他走,路上一些登山客也和我們借拍照。


最後我們走了兩小時終於停下來, 之後從桃仔橋下山,回當初下車的地方,結束了一天旅行,看著夕陽,外雙溪的小溪,覺得八月要離開台灣挺難過的,我們跟這獨角仙,又有什麼不一樣呢?

10年 寄弟墨書 士為四林之末

大家記得否 國中文言文 鄭板橋 清朝人 寫的"寄弟墨書",我最近看新聞,突然內傷爆發,想到我國中這文章,但是根本沒有體會,10年後,終於能感悟,板橋是先知,可是生不逢時~~~~


但"士" 只會亂搞,小頭銳面,應該敗亡,原文節選如下:

(意思是 士 是社會亂源 該當士農工商之末 四民之末都嫌太高)

在看如今社會,懂了,之前才看有人說,蕉農平均年薪100萬,以前沒網路,現在有直播,實況,8+9 各式各樣的人,每個都贏過"讀書",你說板橋先不先知? "士" 大學生22k 現在一點屁用都沒有


我最近掩面痛哭,正所謂:讀書千遍,其義自見。以前國中只愛考試,哪能體會板橋的境界,板橋!!講的就是現在時代, 知道大家現在都不愛,讀古文,剩我在讀,影片大家可看看

板橋也說過 "吃虧是福" 這境界太高了!!跟廣欽老和尚講的一樣 "吃人家不吃的 做人家不做的" 以後你就知道!!!

事隔10年 再讀寄弟默書 已經懂了~~~

寄弟墨書 影片








這周 鏡周刊 大爆發
大關注 子涵 泰公 kid 這三人分別代表 小島 一種真諦
一種快樂 一種世道 鬼島最爽 就這些人 才是正途 應當繼續做

那些傳統 讀書人 認真上班在鬼島苦 早已經是細漢

士為四鄰之末 鄭板橋 說的沒有錯 實乃先知

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Modularity theorem and Fermat Last Theorem

  1. The Fermat last theorem  :

懷念起國中看楊維哲數學書  here 證明 說x^4+y^4=z^4 沒正整數解,適用所謂的遞迴法,那時懂了很高興,隔天,去學校跟同學分享,同學沒人鳥偶:
書本 提到 費馬大定理 x^n+y^n=z^n 沒正整數解,說Wiles 10歲看到這題目,到他當到數學教授,自己幹了快10年,才解決困擾數學家四百多年的難題,被稱做數學20世紀大勝利
Wiles為了解決這難題花了不少心力,前人做了很多特別的n 但是還有更多n無法一一解決 Wiles 做了 橢圓函數 和 模形式對應: 這個定理非常深,以下我也只能做,我數學實力有辦法的介紹:
\( \mathbb{Z} \)  意思是整數,
\( \mathbb{Q} \) 意思是有理數

Fermat last theorem:

in order to proof for some special case like k=4. One can see the youtube video XD.
這東西敘述很好懂,意思是 國中我們學過畢氏定理,有很多組畢式數:
\(3^2+4^2=5^2, 5^2+12^2=13^2... \)之類,但如果改成
$$ x^k+y^k=z^k$$ k是大於2的整數,則不可能會有x, y, z都同時是正整數解的情況。

整篇文章,就是想要粗淺的介紹,Wiles 如何證明這個定理,以及一些需要的數學簡介。

Elliptic curve :

什麼是橢圓曲線呢: 既然是curve,就是 (x,y)的點集
這裡只考慮\( a_i, i=1,2,...6\) 都是有理數。

註解一下:橢圓函數在complex field 下 就變成Torus,這個目前不是很重要。

數學家的一個目標是要能夠解elliptic curve 有多少有理數解?
這個問題非常困難,可以參見BCD 猜想,但是我們可以退一步想,把它reduce到有限體之下有多少解:

記\(F_{p} \) 為有限體集合,集合的元素 記成: \( 0, 1, 2,......p-1\)
這個體系裡面有加減乘除 但算出來可能超過p 這時候就取於餘數 : 計算時候 記成mod p,簡單幾個例子,以\(F_7 \) 來看
$$ 2*3=6, 2*4=8=1( mod7 ) $$
大概大家 只有除法有問題,比方 $$4/5  ( mod7 ) $$ 是什麼?  \( 5*3=15=1+2*7 =1 (mod 7) \)
意思是 $$ 4/5=4*5^{-1}=4*3=12=5 (mod7)$$
\(F_{p} \) 形成一個Field.

所以我們可以問 一個代數方程式在Finite Fields 下: 解的個數:

所以2 是這個方程式的解在模5之下.

考慮 寫 \( \# E(F_l) \) 為  \( \mathbb{F}_l\) 解的個數 且定義 : \( a_l=l+1- \# E(F_l) \)

考慮 $$ y^2+y=x^3-x$$ 這個橢圓曲線
發現 $$ 2^2+2-4^3+4=-56=0 (mod 7)  \to (4, 2) \in \mathbb{F}_7$$
我們可以做一張表出來,看看這個橢圓函數 在 \( \mathbb{F}_p\) 有多少解?

$$ L(E,s)=\prod _p \frac{1}{1-\frac{a_p}{p^s}+\frac{1}{p^{2s-1}}}$$

註:嚴格來說 L 函數定義起來沒有這樣簡單,並不是所有質數都是可行的,因為有些質數之下,橢圓函數就不再光滑了。但這裡可以先忽略。

(模形式)Modular form  :

先定義 一個群: 想像成是矩陣的集合也可以:
\( a, b, c, d \in \mathbb{Z} \)
$$ SL(2, \mathbb{Z}) = \left(
 a & b \\
 c & d
\right) :  \text{ad}-\text{bc}=1$$

簡單說 某種函數 f (weight k) 滿足
$$1 : f(\frac{ax+b}{cx+d})=(cx+d)^kf(x) \text { for all elements in } SL(2, \mathbb{Z}) $$ $$2: f\text{ is holomorphic on the upper half plane}$$ $$3: Im(x) \to \infty , \text{ f is bounded}$$
就叫做weight k 模形式:
對於模形式 我們發現有
$$ f(\tau +1)=f(\tau ), f\left(\frac{-1}{\tau }\right)=\tau ^kf(\tau )$$
所以 如果令 \( q=e^{2i\pi \tau} \)
我們自然有q expansion (q 不變當  \(\tau \to \tau+1 \) ):
$$ f(\tau )=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } a_nq^n$$
我們ˊ當然也可以定義 相對應的 L 函數 (注意 這時候是對一個模形式:)
$$ L(f,s)=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } \frac{a_n}{n^s}$$. (  \( a_n   \) ) 一般來說形式非常複雜 ).
有時候 模形式不會強求 於 $$ SL(2, \mathbb{Z}) $$.
定義\(  SL(2, \mathbb{Z})  \)的subgroup, c是n的倍數 :
$$ \Gamma _0(n)=\left(
 a & b \\
 c & d
\right): \text{ad}-\text{bc}=1  , c=0(\text{Mod} n)$$
有時會說 這個 模函數 階數是n 意思是
$$1 : f(\frac{ax+b}{cx+d})=(cx+d)^kf(x) \text { for all elements in } \Gamma _0(n) $$.


這裡給一個超級有名的modular 函數: 

他的q expansion = $$ f=\prod _{n=1}^{\infty } q\left(1-q^n\right)^{24}=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } \tau (n)q^n$$
Ramanujan 對於這個 \(  \tau (n) \) 給出三個猜想,最後一個一直到近代50年才被證明出來。
有興趣可以看 Weil Conjecture.

Modularity theorem:

In a simple form, Given an elliptic curve E
one can associate a L function.
There exists a modular form  f of weight N. Its L function is the same as that elliptic curve E.
In 1994, Wiles and Taylor give the case for semisimple elliptic curve. After that, the full generalization have been proved.

簡單解釋如下: 給定一個橢圓曲線E (係數是有理數),自然存在一個模形式f of weigh 2 order 是N (N唯一被橢圓曲線決定) ,他們兩人的L函數相等
$$ L (f, s)=L (E, s)$$.
這裡要解釋一下,這個N是可以由橢圓曲線決定的,叫做conductor,定義太困難這裡就不說了。 說得更明白些 存在f是個模函數階數 weight 2 階數 是 N 使得
$$a_0=1 , a_p(f)=a_p(E) $$ 對於所有的 質數成立。

考慮 $$ y^2+y=x^3-x$$ 這個橢圓曲線
發現 $$ 2^2+2-4^3+4=-56=0 (mod 7)  \to (4, 2) \in \mathbb{F}_7$$
我們可以做一張表出來,看看這個橢圓函數 在 \( \mathbb{F}_p\) 有多少解?
寫 \( \# E(F_l) \) 為  \( \mathbb{F}_l\) 解的個數: \( a_l=l+1- \# E(F_l) \)
真的存在一個模函數的 L函數,和這些係數是吻合的:
$$ F(q)=q\prod _{n=1}^{\infty } \left(1-q^n\right)^2\left(1-q^{11n}\right)^2=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty } b_nq^n =q-2 q^2-q^3+2 q^4+q^5+2 q^6-2 q^7+O[q]^{10}$$
打開mathematica 按一下 即可知道答案:
會發現 這個\( b_n=a_n\) 每一項都一樣!!!! OMG

Fermat’s Last Theorem

先來介紹這東西:The Frey Curve (1984): 
邏輯如下: 先假設費馬大定理錯,意思是存在一個非平反解,造出一個橢圓曲線,計算表明這個橢圓曲線的模形式是不存在的,所以矛盾,費馬大定理正確!!! (假設p是質數)
(1) $$ a^p+b^p=c^p $$ 假設有正整數解,可以假設
\( a=-1(mod 4), b=0 (mod 2) \)
定義 $$y^2=x(x-a^p)(x+b^p) $$ 
(2) 透過Wiles 定理,知道存在一個模函數Weight=2, N=2 的模形式,但事實上,並不存在這樣的模形式。



  1. Modularity theorem

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


  以前吃早餐都要辣,起司蛋餅蘿蔔糕也要辣,今天老闆問我:要不要辣? 我已經連續幾周說不要了。
自從幾個月前,對佛說:觀受是苦 這句話漸漸體悟,那麼辣幹嘛~!!很刺激很爽,但生活其實根本 刺激不起來,ig臉書只剩廢文,吃那麼刺激,爽一時卻苦了。
今天早上連醬油都沒加感覺很好。無味,蔡根罈說:真味只是淡,真的!! 長短看秋草 濃纖問晚風 真的 “無味”最好,下次開始喝水,水也無味。


Monday, June 18, 2018

Multiple zeta function (Values) Mzv

Multiple zeta Values (Mzv) intro Multiple zeta function (Values) Mzv


I just think that multiple zeta function is interesting topic and I just saw the Don Zagier's Video and other videos discussing it. I want to build my note for this interesting series. Hope I can understand motives, periods one day.


$$\zeta(s_1, s_2,..s_m)=\sum_{n_1>n_2>...>n_m \geq 1}\frac{1}{n_1^{s_1}n_2^{s_2}..n_m^{s_m}} $$ To be convergent $$ s_1, s_2 , s_{m-1}\geq 2 , s_m \geq 1 $$ This is famous generalization for riemann zeta function: $$ \zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^s}$$ If you are interested in this. You can see my another blog Note for Riemann Hypothesis The famous number traced back to Euler is: $$ \zeta(2)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}=\frac{\pi^2}{6}$$ And Euler also proof that \( k \) is positive integer: $$ \zeta(2k)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^{2k}}=\text{Rational Numbers }\pi^{2k}$$ I will give a proof in this blog. But up to now, no one can give a closed form for zeta function with odd integers which led to the following conjecture:

Conjecture 1

$$\zeta(3), \zeta(5),,,,\pi^{2k} \text{ are algebraic independent}$$


There are many relations for mzv. We can define dimension for weight k is a vector space spanned by \( \mathbb{Q} \) coefficient: $$ \mathbb{Q} \zeta(s_1, s_2,..s_m) : s_1+s_2+...s_m=k $$. So what is the dimension for this vector space?

Weight=3 --- dimension=1

It seems like we have two dimensional space since we have $$ \zeta(3), \zeta(2,1)$$ But actually they are the same: $$ \zeta(3)= \zeta(2,1)$$. proof: Write $$\sum_{mn}\frac{1}{mn(m+n)}=\sum_{mn}\frac{1}{m(m+n)^2}+\sum_{mn}\frac{1}{n(m+n)^2}$$ We can see (after some mediation) $$ \sum_{mn}\frac{1}{m(m+n)^2}=\sum_{n>m=1}\frac{1}{m(n)^2}=\zeta(2,1)$$ So we have: $$\sum_{mn}\frac{1}{mn(m+n)}=2\zeta(2,1)$$ On the other hand: $$ \sum_{mn}\frac{1}{m(m+n)^2}=\sum_{m}\sum_{n}\frac{1}{m}(\frac{1}{m(m+n)})$$ Use $$ \sum_{m}\frac{1}{m(m+n)}=\frac{1}{n}(1+\frac{1}{2}+....\frac{1}{n})=1+\frac{1}{4}(1+\frac{1}{2})+\frac{1}{9}(1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3})+...$$ $$=\zeta(2,1)+\zeta(3)$$ So we have $$ \zeta(3)= \zeta(2,1)$$.

Nielsen Reflexion Formula

$$ \zeta(a)\zeta(b)=\zeta(a,b)+\zeta(b,a)+\zeta(a+b)$$ proof: $$ \zeta(a)\zeta(b)=\sum_{n,m}\frac{1}{n^a m^b}=\sum_{n>m>=1}\frac{1}{n^a m^b}+\sum_{m>n>=1}\frac{1}{n^a m^b}+\sum_{n=m>=1}\frac{1}{n^a n^b}=\zeta(a,b)+\zeta(b,a)+\zeta(a+b)$$


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Short intro: Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture

Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture in a nutshell


In mathematics, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture describes the set of rational solutions to equations defining an elliptic curve. It is an open problem in the field of number theory and is widely recognized as one of the most challenging mathematical problems. The conjecture was chosen as one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems listed by the Clay Mathematics Institute. Let me start to describe this conjecture:

why study elliptic curve?

a number theorists like study solution for algebraic variety: we know that $$ ax+b=0 \rightarrow x=\frac{-b}{a} $$ and $$ ax^2+bx+c=0 \rightarrow x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} $$ For the higher degree one variable, Galois solved this question by introducing . Galois theory But at least, Gauss said: $$ a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+....a_0=0 $$ have n complex solutions. This is called algebraic fundamental theorem. Ref can be seen here Fundamental theorem of algebra

Rational Solution

sometimes, we only care about rational solution: in one varible, this is not so hard: $$ a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+....a_0=0 $$ Newton method: if there is a solution \( x=\frac{p}{q} : p, q \in \text{Integer}\) $$ q \text{ is a divisor for } a_n, p \text{ is a divisor for } a_0 $$. So it must be finite and can be computed via computers very easily.

Two variables?

The simple two variable can be viewed as: $$ ax^2+bxy+cy^2+dx+ef+g=0 $$ This is called the conic section: More generally:

Genus of a curve

we define the \( g \) $$ g=(d-1)(d-2)/2$$ for the homogenious polynomial.

Faltings's theorem

A non-singular algebraic curve of genus \( g \) over rational fields.
  1. \( g=0 \): no rational points points or infinitely many rational points
  2. \(g \geq 2 \): only finitely many points
  3. \(g=1 \) :no rational points, or rational points forms an finitely generated abelian group
So the for \(g=1\) the number of rational points can be any cases.

Elliptic curve

$$ E: y^2=x^3+ax+b$$ Provided that : $$4a^3+27b^2 \neq 0 $$ We can discuss by restrict a ,b in different fieid: We only discuss the rational field and finite field: First, we need to introduce algebraic structure for an elliptic curve: We defined $$ P+Q $$ like the image. First, draw a line connect \(P, Q \) then it will intersect the second point on the elliptic curve and then reflection it, we can get the \(P+Q \)

(Mordell, 1922)

Let E be an elliptic curve given by an equation $$ E: y^2=x^3+ax+b$$ \( E(\mathbb{Q}) \) forms an abelian group via this addition. \( E(\mathbb{Q}) \) is a finitely generated abelian groups. ie Moreover, the Torsion subgroup has only these possibilities. So it turns out that the torsion subgroup can be computed easily.


The major question is how can we computed r efficiently? ANs: NO Up to now, we don't have efficient algorithm for finding rank for given general elliptic curve. So how can we do?? Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer in late 60 do the experiment on the elliptic curve on finite field, let us start to discuss it:

Finite field

Finite field denoted \( F_p \) are just like usually addition, multiplication but only have p-1 elements (only count the reminder). For example consider the algebriac equation $$ x^2+1=0 $$ in \(F_5 \) : 2,3 are solutions Given an elliptic curve, we can use the same way: for example: consider $$ y^2=x^3+2 $$ we list solution below \(O )\ means infinity: Solutions for elliptic curve and Hesse Weil bound Hesse Weil bound: number of solutions \(N(p)-p-1 \) are bounded by \( 2\sqrt{p} \).

Key idea for Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture:

If elliptic curve has higher rank, then the \(N(p) \) should have some relationship with r. So they computed this functions and found that:

primitive bsd conjecture 
  Let means this function grows \(ln(x)^r \) which related to the rank. (good means that the elliptic curve is non singular when it is restricted at \( F_{p} \), this is too detail here).

More subtle: Corresponding L function

Given an elliptic curve over rational. We define $$L(E, s)=\prod_{p \in \text{Primes}}\frac{1}{1-a_pp^{-s}+p^{1-2s}}$$ $$a_p=p+1-N(p) $$ we found that when s=1: so the rank connect the zero of L functions: Up to now, we can state this famous conjecture in wiki and other books (skip the analytic continuation and some details): Actually the L function did not converge at s=1, but we skip the detail here.

Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture

Given an elliptic curve \( E \) defined on rational field, the rank \(r \) of the groups is equal to the order of L function for the elliptic curve. $$ \text{the rank r for} \mathbb{Q}= \text{the order of s=1 at L function.}$$ write it more explicitly: if $$ E(\mathbb{Q}) =\mathbb{Z}^{r} + \text{ torsion} $$ then the expansion for L function is \(a_0 \neq 0 \): $$ L=0+0+a_0(s-1)^r+ ..\text{higher orders}$$.

Conclusion: Why we are interested in this?

We are interested in particular solutions of algebraic equations, for example, famous Fermat's last theorem said $$ x^n+y^n=z^n, n \in \mathbb{N} , n \geq2$$ has no positive integer \(xyz>0 \) solution: It is very hard to proof, even though the well educated professor in mathematics nowadays. In order to proof this, one has to proof Modularity theorem which connect the number theory and analysis. So if someone can proof Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, it means that we can imitate this conjecture in higher dimensional algebraic variety and probably use same techniques to extend this result. For example: Euler(1769) conjectured that $$x^4+y^4+z^4=w^4 $$ has no positive integer solution \(xyzw>0 \). This looks very similar to Fermat last theorem!! It turns out it has a solutions(XD). Elkies found the solution: $$ 2682440^4 + 15365639^4 + 18796760^4 = 20615673^4$$. In conclusion, up to now, there are still almost no efficient methods finding such rational or integer points for given an algebraic variety. We hope that solving this conjecture can help us to proceed other problems in the future.

Reference and good source

You can find elliptic curve on WyomingEllipticCurve.pdf Or on wiki or find clay mathematics.


  每次和 一些朋友聊天,都常被他們感悟。
  今天我問朋友:是否女生比男生好,朋友回說: 其實不應該講性別,就像狗好, 有錢人家的狗,比我們爽 整天吃飯睡覺,人家幫他洗澡,還躺妹身上。可也有汙水處理廠的野狗,要鬥爭地盤,被流浪漢打,有一餐沒一餐,光是狗,就有比我們好的狗,比我們差的狗,又何況是人呢~~~

  想到,智者大師的,一念三千,說眾生,有十種,那十種底下,來有十種合起來,共有千萬差別,從好到帝王到下至乞丐 multidimensional 無量無邊 說不盡
還是 各人造業各人擔。

Thursday, June 14, 2018


 現在國小變了,以前一個班大概只有一半人可以得獎,現在改了,人人有獎,很多不知道有啥意義的獎, 連名字都聽不懂,勤學獎,環保獎,xxxxxx獎。
獎狀,從小拿多了,可能比冥紙還不如,冥紙搞不好死後真的有用,獎狀再多,終究成空,都是幻化的,有人說:這樣可以給小孩子信心!!!! 給他動力~~ 在我看來,給一個希望再將他拿走,不如不要給他。


就跟 小馬哥 要帶大家逆風高飛 可惜一直逆風 沒有高飛關關難過關關過 最後是 天天難過天天過

Monday, June 11, 2018

台灣大樂透 107/6/12開獎預測

latest results:107/06/08 and prediction


latest results in consecutive form ,'11','26','37','14','41','20','02'

now we predict :18, 23, 15, 44, 5, 7, 39 next time, the result will shown on 2018/06/12


 10: [6],
 11: [48],
 12: [35, 45],
 13: [5, 20, 43, 44],
 14: [3, 9, 21, 40],
 15: [4, 34, 39, 49],
 16: [13, 15, 17, 25, 28, 37, 38],
 17: [1, 18, 26, 27, 29, 47],
 18: [11, 24, 30, 31],
 19: [10, 23, 33, 46],
 20: [22, 32],
 21: [12, 42],
 22: [7, 8, 16, 19, 36],
 23: [14, 41],

that means 6 happened 10 times and 48 happened 11 times and 35,45 happened 12 times

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


   最近 開始有感悟,中國老祖宗說的,世間有兩種福報,一種叫做紅福,顧名思義,意思是很紅,什麼是紅? 就是有錢,家財萬貫,有很多土地,紙醉金迷,騎機車在妹去看夜景,或是有錢,身邊妹超多,或是女生天天穿的漂亮,在Ig臉書po很多照片,每天過得很享受


可惜 大多數人 兩種都得不到,一者難追求,需要天時地利人和,另一者更難,需要迴光返照


看看世間 四個 誰能都放下,放下名,就要利,像是某些高官,名聲臭了,也要去對岸參加閱兵典禮,如果名利都放下,也愛女人,像是李後主,不想當帝王,也要一江春水向東流,如果人老了,名利放下,也不再執著於情慾,可又如何能放下兒孫,華人父母要替小孩鋪路,送小孩出國,可說一生都是代誌,要像廣欽老和尚: 無來 無去 無代誌 


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Moonshine and Monster introduction

  In this note, I want to present the famous story in mathematics called moonshine and monster in 20 century. In the beginning, we have to introduce the notion of groups:
  •  a set G is called a group iff this set satisfy four properties:

  • A normal subgroup:

  • Elliptic curve

  • J function and lambda function:

  • Modular form ?

  • the correspondence

  • 後記者
記der 剛到台大時候 學長說 台大高能組電腦密碼是 "196883"xxxx 後來額外學數學 查wiki 知道這是monster group 第一個irreducible representation的維度

monster group是巨大不可約的單群之一 有接近10^54次方的元素

但20世紀末 有個mc kay 數學家 在另一個橢圓函數內

一個叫做 j function 這是一個modular function weight 0

展開發現前幾項係數 (係數都非常大) 跟monster 有關係
這成為monster moonshine conjecture 怪物月光

後來經過很多人驗證 發現應該是對的 但直到1992 Borcherds 定義頂點代數 以後 證明這關係 也拿了fields medal 解釋了怪獸群到底象徵著啥對稱
妙的是 BROCHERD 看到string theory 2d cft 嚴格公里化以後 才定義出來的

the exact history is at:
I present the j function using mathematica: 嚴格公里化以後 才定義出來的

   the exact history is at:
I present the j function using mathematica: